Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thanks to a Snake (Harry/Daphne)

Thanks to a Snake by lucky14now

Just so you know I love Slytherin Harry because lets be real with that kind of background it would be a miracle for him to be in Gryffindor, home of the loud, outspoken, bullying cannon fodder. This is a great story although the first chapter is a little rushed and seemed to have every cliche about Harry's first trip and independence move. But it gets much better afterwards. This is a believable Harry not super powerful or super whiny my like sucks. Thanks to his parents he has a marriage contract with Daphne Greengrass and finds himself with a family. Snape pulls his head out of his ass an realizes that blaming the son for the sins of the father is stupid not to mention he is tired of dancing to Dumbledore's strings. Dumbledork is his usual manipulative self and does not like the fact that his plans are falling apart. About 1/2 way through the story when I am sure of what they are planning for Dumbledork the writer surprises the heck out of me and settles it differently, I was torn between laughing and going WTF. This story is definitely NSF and not just for the parts that make you laugh, there is real friendship tested under hardships, betrayal, loyalty, love and family and a world that make sense, where the adults realize they should get off their asses and do their job instead of depending on a teenager, albeit a powerful one, but still a teenager to solve their problems. I love the relationships that surround his friends, no one is perfect but they all work together.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Master of Genjutsu (Naruto/Kurenai)

Masters of Genjutsu by Tsukune08

A very good story even though there were parts that I was not happy with but that is personal preference and not related to the story itself. In this one Naruto happens upon Kurenai bathing and after surviving becomes attached to her. In return she begins to tutor him in the basics of Genjutsu and finds an eager and surprisingly talented student. Naruto soon earns a name for himself in the Bingo Book as Naruto Uzumaki Konoha's Blade of Illusion. I like the fact the author brings up that Kitsune are known for their illusions and Naruto brings in his own brand of insanity and makes some of the illusions real. The story line is good, the action is great, and while parts move too fast I love the way Naruto interacts with others. I am not enthusiastic with the Kurenai arc, I understand it but I am not thrilled with it. The interactions with Kakashi and Sasuke are well done. Naruto manages to grow in more then one way and I do like the arc with Samui. Naruto is a BAMF and as expected takes great pride in following his own nindo. Unfortunately the author ends the story with an ambiguous ending. Does he move past his relationship with Kurenai, continue on his terms, turns on her in revenge or forgive and forget? There are no answers and that may annoy some people. Like I said some parts are definitely worth the reading and others including the ending make you go WTF but overall a good story that was recommended to me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The End and The Beginning (Harry/Hermione)

The End and The Beginning by muggledad

Very good story even though the story line has become commonplace especially for the Harry Potter fandom. Time travel if done well then becomes an interesting way to change canon. I love a good time travel story especially when more then one person comes back. In this case everything turned to hell after Sirius is killed and Dumbledore poisoned. In the end Voldemort becomes emperor and the European world is falling. When Hermione is killed Harry finds a way to change the past or possibly just dying at his own hand, at this point he really does not care. When the ritual is over he opens his eyes to find himself staring at Buckbeak and knows that Hermione is right behind him. What he did not realize was that since he did the ritual over Hermione's grave he had dragged her with him. Together they can face anything and it becomes a wild ride on deciding what to do, who to trust, who to kill, why does everybody keep putting 2 and 2 together and getting time travel, and most important is the Wizarding World really worth saving.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Haunted (Harry/Luna)

Haunted by Mrs.InsaneOne

Awesome, Awesome story, long too over 400,000 words but so worth the reading. This is one of the older stories I saved for reviewing based on someone's recommendation, can't remember who since it was more then a year ago. This story is a crossover between Harry Potter and Natsume Yujin-Cho. Let me say first I have never watched this anime and everything I know about it is from Wikipedia. This takes place after Takashi is an adult and in going through his grandmother's things he finds out he has relatives in England. Once he begins investigating he finds a prophecy that ties him and unknown relative together. After finding his cousin Harry he also finds that he is subject to another one in Britain pertaining to the Dark Lord.

 In finding him he also finds that 1) Harry has spirit energy and can see Youki, 2) he has magic and 3) his guardians are not suitable to raise a child with special needs. After meeting  Dumbledore, whom he is not impressed with, he does agree that Harry should learn about his heritage. While Takashi agrees that Harry needs to go to Hogwarts he makes some demands first. Harry will attend under his new name of Ryuu, he will continue any training, he will continue studying his mundane education with other proviso to be added as needed. Takashi dealt with everything as a teenager with little to no training and wishes for the opposite for Harry. He makes contact with the Japanese magical community and begins Harry's training early. Harry is under a disadvantage in that due to his fear of the Youki he has become a mute. He begins to gather friends and trainers that become family. Their is action galore and Hogwarts is not prepared for a Japanese Magical Samurai in training. The adventures are there but with a different take and the main characters are different enough to keep this story from being just a rewrite. No one finds out that he is Harry Potter until fourth year. There is a lot of Harry whumping due to Dumbledore's and Voldemort's manipulations as well as his own rushing into things. There are twists and turns and some real cliff hangers and parts that make you want to cry from the sheer pain. The ending is one hell of a twist and all I can say is that it will make you laugh and cry.

Dumbledore wanted a pawn, a martyr, a minion of the light to follow his orders; instead he got a strong wizard with a core of steel, someone willing to kill to protect those he loves, a samurai who know how to lead and when to follow. There a clashes of temperment and wills. But as long as he has his family, his familiars and his love Luna then he can do anything.

Why is this person not a professional writer. There are some parts that are weak with some grammar or editing problems but all in all a kick ass story.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wizards Fall (Harry/Hermione)

Wizards Fall by Bobmin356

Honestly there is nothing by this author that I do not love and while this is a slightly darker fic it is great. The Wizarding world once again shows it lack of common sense, bigotry and all around stupidity. Once Harry defeats Voldemort the pure-bloods decide that the reason for all their problems was that he was a half-blood so they  begin to show the muggleborns and half-bloods their true standing in society which is of course beneath their feet. Harry begins to gather around him the ones that have be persecuted, imprisoned and tortured just for being different. Luna Lovegod is one such person and she is well versed in muggle technology and science and devises a plan to make the Wizarding world fall. Hermione realizes the only way to save themselves is to disappear like Avalon and Atlantis. They just need a very powerful wizard luckily one just happens to live down the beach.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Arc Tremors (Gen)

Arc Tremors by MountainRose

Great story on how the team pulls together after New York. You can not fly through a portal with a near death experience like that and have everything be just fine. A problem develops with Tony's heart, not the reactor but the points where it is attached to the heart. Eventually his heart begins to fail and the only solution is a risky surgery. While there are some very good action scenes especially the last few chapters where Tony proves for once and all that he is BAMF even recovering from surgery and J.A.RV.I.S. is so human; this story is primarily about the interaction with the team members as they realize just how import Tony is to all of them. It's about weakness in front of your friends, strengths when pain is all consuming, about trust and how sometimes the best families are the ones we make. The shower scene was just heartbreaking and the weaker Tony became the closer the team becomes. Anyone who has watched someone decline in health will relate to the scenes because they have an amazing grasp of reality. The characters stay true to themselves including when Thor brings back Coulson's last words from Valhalla. I admit to tears on that one.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Spark of Genius (Xander/Harem)

Spark of Genius by Michaelsuave

Excellent story definitely NSFW due to harem scenes and snorting liquid through your nose and onto your keyboard during some scenes. Luckily I now protect my keyboard with cling wrap due to this recurring problem. Xander decides to let a little fun into Halloween and goes as the grandson of various characters from the Web comic Girl Genius. Due to his luck and the Spark he ends up being catapulted into the DC universe when the spell ends. Even if you have never read the comic (you should) or heard of steam-punk the author does a good job of filling in the background as the story progresses. And this is Xander so either his luck is beyond excellent or so bad to be unbelievable. This is a story that is hard to describe, there is action, comedy, sex, darkness, power trips, jokes on Batman & Superman, stupidity in politics and so much more. The author does not try and jump in the deep end each character is brought forth and developed properly. Xander is not perfect he makes mistakes sometimes big ones and his morality can be a bit shaky at times but he is trying to make a place for himself and keep his girls (You won't believe who is in his harem) safe. He even manages to corrupt his old universe and the Powers That Be are confused.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Boy Who Fell (Ben Skywalker/Luna Lovegood)

The Boy Who Fell by Darth Marrs

Great story with an unusual pairing. This is a Harry Potter/Star Wars crossover without Harry who died at the age of 4. In this story the world is a little darker and 16 year old Luna Lovegood lying under the stars wishes for Knight in Shining Armor to save and heal her. Unknowingly her magic is different from others along with the fact that she is force sensitive. Ben Skywalker on a routine flight finds his ship being forcefully dragged to uncharted space and crash lands in a pond next to Luna. Ben is able to contact his father through the force and his family is coming for him. Meanwhile he does what a Jedi does best and protects the innocent while trying to keep Luna out his bed. She confuses, comforts, and heals him as he does with her. Then Voldemort makes the mistake of kidnapping her and almost fatally injuring him. Sadly for Voldemort, Luke Skywalker, Han & Leigh Solo and assorted family members have arrived and Voldemort is about to meet someone who loves taking out Dark Lords. Great story with lots of humor as well as angst. There is mention of rape and torture but nothing too graphic. It is good to read a story where the wizarding world is not putting its future on a child, instead they actively fight back. The battle at Hogwarts is just amazing and Han Solo is so in character. I almost choked laughing at the women drivers comment you will see what I mean.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Broken Chains (Harry/Hermione/Luna)

Broken Chains by Darth Marrs

This is not a usual recommendation because this is a very dark story and normally those are good but not worth rereading. This breaks that pattern in that is both excellent and chilling. Remus is unable to stop Harry from going after Sirius into the veil. He continues to come to the veil everyday for a month just hoping. Then Harry gets thrown back out of the veil and the world is changed forever. When he awakes he is no longer Harry Potter he is the Darth Shaddix, Dark Lord of The Sith. Hermione finds that the only person he cannot attack is her and realizes that it means Harry is still in there. Then Dumbledore once again proving that his arrogance know no bounds attempts to break the mental block to separate the memories. It does not go well and what is left is someone who is a blend of Sith and Champion. He intends to remake the world and with Hermione and Luna (as a seer) at his side stands a good chance of succeeding. There is torture, rape, blood shed, dub con and in some cases gratuitous violence. He is not the Harry Potter they knew he is something else. The characterization is amazingly done, the characters make choices  that while not canon fit what they have become. This is not suitable for young readers and is rated M for the torture, rape and the explicit sex scenes. But if you can handle that it is a wild ride, a very believable story and the perspectives change enough for you to see the worlds reaction to the New Savior.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Jarvis: A Series of Short Stories

Jarvis by Icarus_chained

This has to be one of the best takes on J.A.R.V.I.S. that I have read. It is a series of 10 short stories that cover his inception to far in the future. There are links to other shorts Is it any surprise that a man who thinks that "learning to run before walking" would plan to make his AI self reliant. It is not until J.A.R.V.I.S. must step into to protect Tony that the others began to realize that he is more then an intelligent butler/secretary. The reactions of the team to this is funny and the scene between him, Tony, Pepper and Bruce is hilarious. The ending is poignant and shows just how much the team valued him and his creator and that their trust was not misplaced.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Orestes (Tony & Loki)

Orestes by Aublanc or at
(The middle picture of Loki as a dragon on the Washington monument is done by the author)

Awesome story, epic length, great characterization and one of the best descriptions of a war's effect on people that I have ever read. In this story Loki is not pulled from the Void by Thanos and instead spends seven years existing in hell before literally falling at the feet of Tony Stark. Tony watches unable to save the figure falling through the sky through the roof of his house and expects to find a dead body. Instead he sees a skin covered skeleton clothed in rags impaled with glass covered in blood but still alive. He realizes looking into blank eyes that the person has withdrawn mentally. He decides to honor what Yinsen did for him. The author takes the events in the Marvel movies and changes them in a way to be believable. Some events still happen just to different people and for different reasons. Without the invasion of New York Thor never comes back and it is Loki that in the end joins the Avengers.
Loki has becomes so dependent on the one man that he feels that he can trust that when he almost loses him decides to make sure that never happens. The consequences of those actions are far reaching. Events build up to the invasion by Thanos and the author concentrates more on the people and their reaction to impending war then on the action itself. However don't worry there is much action, angst, drama, misunderstandings, stupidity, pride and a bond of friendship that will survive anything even immortality. A warning there are major character deaths that had me crying but in the real world you lose people in a war. I cannot recommend this story enough. I started it and could not stop finishing it in 2 1/2 days mainly because I did nothing else

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Harry Potter and The Warrior's Path (Harry/Hermione)

Harry Potter and The Warrior's Path by Librarywitch

Great story that begins after the Goblet of Fire. Harry decides it is time to grow up and one of the things he does is to sign up for martial arts lessons. He ends up meeting Charles Stormchaser who later saves him from the dementors. He is also Harry's uncle. Things progress swiftly and Harry meets other members of Charles extended family. Harry begins to learn ancient Native American magic and along with Hermione and Ron obtain spirit animal forms, Cave Lion, Otter and Red Wolf. The trio return to Hogwarts stronger, smarter and wiser and the world begins to change rapidly. There is a little of everything in this story and Harry becomes the powerful wizard that we know he can be.

The Resilience of Time (Gen)

The Resilience of Time by Mnsk

Great story with an interesting view of time travel. In this story there is a trigger to the ritual in this case the destruction of Nagato's eyes, the Rinnegan. Madara sets up the jutsu and the world resets. When Naruto makes genin the Fox wakes up and gives him the memories of his older version. The Fox explains that the only reason he is allowed to remember is because of the tailed beast and all the others will remember as well. The problem lies in the fact that chance plays a large part in the way things happen. The world will play out until the time of the trigger if it does not correct itself (The Rinnegan not being destroyed) the world will reset again and again. Each time will be a little more different because one person will go left one time and right the next time. Once the conditions are met the person setting the trigger will be reinserted into time and to him nothing will have happened until he gets the new memories. I do not think I have ever seen this theory before. The story is great it has action, drama, humor, and enough changes to keep it interesting without making anyone super powered. Naruto and his allies problem is time is resilient and does not like being changed. Some major events will still take place not necessarily in the same place, time or manner but still happen. The author lets the characters develop naturally and the readers gets a chance to see Sasuke develop into the leader he could be. The relationship between team 7 is a major part of this story.

{I found the clock on this site: ( don't know who created it, I just thought it was perfect for time travel and the site is interesting as well check it out}

Friday, May 23, 2014

Harry Potter and the Champion's Champion (Harry/Hermione)

Harry Potter and the Champion's Champion by Driftwood1965

A very good story and once you read it you will understand the canary. The scene with the dragon is one of the funniest I have read. The story is a humorous look at the Tri Wizard tournament. Hermione finds out that if a Champion is injured and cannot be healed in time, then he can select a replacement champion. The replacement is Ronald Weasley and from there the fun starts. Harry and Hermione get together, Ron and Draco prove how stupid they are and Voldemort gets destroyed and they live happily ever after. Very, very funny story and the ending or I should say two endings are hilarious. This is just one of those stories that is fun to read especially if you just finished a long depressing or dark one.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Twins: A Different Life (Gen)

Twins: A Different Life by Jessiikaa15

Great story with a wicked sense of humor. I like the wrong-boy-who-lived because there is so much potential. In this case it is the wrong-girl-who-lived and Harry is banished to the Dursleys. Merlin steps in and transports Harry back to the time of the founders. Yes this is cliche but really there are only so many ideas but the author knows this and does not spend a lot of time there. Instead we meet a confident, cunning, ambitious founders heir who is determined to teach his birth parents and Dumbledore a lesson. I like the way that Sirius and Remus have evolved, Sirius has become the Black Lord and has fallen out with the Potters due to their behavior to his godson. Draco is wonderfully funny in that he is sure that Harry is insane but likes him anyway. There is action, drama, angst, romance and humor I cannot wait for an update. I think I will check out her other stories next.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Harry Potter and the Escape to New York (Harry/Hermione/Fleur)

Harry Potter and The Escape To New York by Writing Warriors

I used to love the show Beauty and the Beast and thought Vincent was the perfect hero. He is also the perfect person to be raising Harry. The story is excellent, the characters are believable and the reactions of Dumbledore fit him perfectly. This is a man so obsessed with his own omnipotence that he disregards the efforts of those around him to stop his mad decline. This is not so much about Harry and Voldemort as it is about Dumbledore's obsession with the prophecy and the belief that he is always right. The scene where Harry dreams about what could happen was chilling because it was so believable when you figure out just how far the man would go for the "Greater Good". The relationship between Hermione, Harry and Fleur does not feel forced there is a natural progression to the Triad. I cannot recommend this story enough. When Hermione found out about what really happened in first year all I could think of was man I hope she sends him a howler because we all know Hermione could really rip someone apart when she gets started. Then the American Ministry of Magic gets involved and everything just escalates. Harry shows what is possible with love and support and I would love if there is a followup.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Prince of the Dark Kingdom (Harry and Voldemort)

Prince of the Dark Kingdom by Mizuni-sama

Awesome story that I admit I have been putting off reading for some time mostly because the first chapter just did not capture my attention. Happening on it again I decided to try my usual five chapters and I am glad I did. The story takes the same characters, the same major points and writes a whole new series.
The ending of the second book all I can say is OMG you have to read it to believe it. This is a huge story at this point so be prepared for a roller coaster ride. The story is darker then the original but does not warp the characters it just shows what would happen if Voldemort won. I am just starting Book IV and cannot wait to see where it leads.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

DragonKin (Harry and Draco)

[The larger dragon seemed made for Aironth and is from the artist Telthona on deviantart. If you object to the picture being used please let me know:]

{The smaller dragon I thought was perfect for Harry's form and is from this website even though I translated the page to english I am still not sure who did the picture or the original language now that I think about it:}

DragonKin by Fyreheart

Great story where an ancient race that had allied with the Potter family decided to check in on the current generation and was not happy with what they found. The story begins with Harry disappearing from the Dursley. When he comes back there are obvious changes the most import is that he is carrying around some extra personalities in his mind. Then things get even weirder with Draco deciding that Harry is his mate. There is no slash in this story even though they are mates. The final confrontation is wonderful and the reaction to Harry's adopted father is funny.

The following quote is directly from the author and explains why I am posting this on both sites:
"This story was not marked as slash and contained little physical contact as the relationship was about a straight Harry and a pansexual Draco who had to work through the years of animosity to build a gradual friendship and then a long-term partnership. Anything else would come later…do I hear a sequel in the making?"
I do hope that the artist decides to do a sequel it should be interesting.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Goblin Market (Jareth/Sarah

(Hill of Tara, Mount of Hostages)

The Goblin Market by Viciously Witty

As you can tell I am on a Labyrinth kick right now. Great story with a lot of twists and turns to keep your attention. Jareth has give Sarah time to grow and ripen not it is time to claim his Goblin Queen. Of course Sarah is not some meek obediant women to bow down her head and accept her fate. Both characters grow a little and you get some interesting background on the Goblin Kings and some interesting history. The tension ramps up nicely, there are no quick fixes and Jareth gets humbled several times. I love it.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Necessary Deception (Jareth/Sarah)

A Necessary Deception by Scattered Logic

Great story that happens 9 years on from the end of the movie. Sarah has developed a brain tumor and decides to settler her affairs one of those affairs is the realization that she owes Jareth an apology for her behavior. To meet him she wishes herself away and this starts a story from an angle I had not seen before. There is love, angst, mischief, an angry mistress and murder attempts. The love scenes are hot and the development of the characters is compelling. I especially like that the transition from aboveworld to underworld is not smooth or easy. This is a completely different culture with customs unseen in the modern world.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past

Harry Potter and The Nightmares of Futures Past by S'Tarkan

Great, great story definitely one of the best time travel stories especially the way he did it. Harry won, Voldemort was dead but the price was too high. Hogwarts was gone, the wizarding world was in shambles everyone he loved was dead. With the help of Dumbledore's portrait he finds a way he may be able to change things all it would cost was his life. He had no life worth living anyway it would work and he would be with his friends and family again or it would fail and he would still be with his friends and family.

A Second Chance At Life (Gen)

A Second Chance At Life by Miranda Flairgood

When Voldemort’s assassins find him Harry flees seeking a place to prepare for the battle. Bloodmagic, wandlessmagic, necromancy, fae, a thunderbird, demons, vampires. Harry finds the strength & allies to win a war. Singularly unique fic.

Changes In A Time Of War by Miranda Flairgood (Sequel)

 Harry is training in bloodmagic/necromancy, he is becoming a basilisk with a thunderbird's soul, there's a plague in europe, demons are about to invade Earth, and Voldemort needs to die. Fae, vampires, new magics and school

These are some amazing stories that are in my top 10 stories in the Harry Potter universe. There is action galore, good friends, worst enemies, betrayal, one night stands, epic failures & successes. And all this combines to make an independent, fierce, loyal  warrior out of Harry. Both stories are long so it will take some time to read them. I have them on my Kindle ready for a long tripThe Author has started the third story in the series and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lily fixes a mistake (Severus/Lilly)

Lily Fixes A Mistake by severusphoenix

Great story I did the banner last year and thought I had posted it evidently not. The story is about what would happen if Lily gave Severus another chance. After Harry is born James makes a big mistake. He cheats on Lily then has the balls to slap her for being angry, she leaves and ends up going with Severus, Lucius, Narcissa and baby Draco. This changes the story completely, Narcissa and Lily bond over the babies and Lily and Severus get together. The story has great character build up with Severus coming into his own. He is portrayed as a man so deeply in love he is able to accept another man's child in his heart and magic. A potions master, spell crafter, dangerous fighter Severus shows what he could be with the right partner. James shows the results of getting away with everything with an "I am sorry". Dumbledore realizes just how badly he has let down Severus and all the Slytherins. Great action scenes and the ones of Lucius and Severus as fathers are wonderful.

Harry's First Detention

Harry's First Detention by kbinnz

Harry's New Home by kbinnz

Awesome story that will have you cackling madly, at least I did. Harry's first detention with Snape has some surprising consequences not the least of which is Snape as Harry's new guardian. Harry realizes that Snape's evil persona is a mask and quickly decides that he is the best thing to ever happen to him. Snape's struggle to protect and help Harry adjust to a new life where he is not a freak is funny. Snape is still the consummate Slytherin, he detests Gryffindors, he is strict and no nonsense so how does he end up the uncle to the Weasleys, dad to Harry and a pinup to Hooch and his fan club, read and find out. The characters ring true with Dumbledore not being clueless or criminally manipulative, McGonagall is a true Gryffindor with a dash of ruthlessness that surprises Snape, Sirius has grown up enough to realize he makes a great crazy uncle and a lousy father. The story takes place in the first two years and ends with the destruction of Voldemort. Wonderful story with great action and I love the way Snape is portrayed.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Power of the Press (Harry/Hermione)

Power of the Press by Bobmin356

Great story in which Remus and Sirius come up with a plan to use the power of the prophecy to set Harry free. It takes place during the Tri Wizard Tournament when Harry's name comes out of the Goblet. Harry refuses to participate and is willing to give up his magic at which point the Goblet explodes and Harry walks away supposedly now a muggle. Chaos reigns as Dumbledore finds his plans falling apart, Voldemort loses his supporters since everyone knows about the prophecy and assume if he comes back it will be as a muggle. However Hermione is let in on the secret and the training begins. Great characterization including an OC love interest for Sirius. A sideways look at prophecy and all it entails. A very enjoyable read then again all of this authors story are good.

The World They Made (Gen)

The World They Made by SharonH

This is not my usual story since I am not too fond of zombies in stories or film that being said this is a very good story. The Initiative in all their collective intelligence released a virus that makes humans into zombies. Not content with that they have managed to release it in several dimensions. It is up to the New Watchers Council to gather the survivors together. It seems that all of the demons have disappeared so there is only one enemy. With a combination of Willow's magic and several seers they are able to pinpoint pockets of survivors and bring them together. Including several neighboring dimensions that are collapsing. I like that author is not trying to rescue everybody in several scenes you realize that the zombies they are fighting are main characters from that fandom. People die, some come back but it is basically a story of the survival of the human species and the effort it takes to make a group of strangers work together.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Watcher Most Charmed by toots

Awesome series that really showcases Xander and shows what would happen if the slayers were present in Harry Potter and Charmed with some characters from Stargate and The Mummy. In the case of the Charmed ones Pru is called as a slayer which saves her from dying, Tonks is called which saves Harry, Xander is related to O'Niell which saves the clone, there is even some Highlander tossed in.  He is even able to rescue Cordelia. I like Malfoy in this story because while he is a little snot he is an honorable one and shows that by his actions. The story is well paced with likeable characters, there is action, romance, prophecy, gods, special children and the end of the world. The story is long and well worth rereading.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Banished Destiny

Banished Destiny by Mrs.Insaneone

Great story with characters that grab you and don't let go. This is a Gundam Wing/Harry Potter crossover. Right after the tournament Sirius sends Harry to a new dimension with everything he will need to survive. Unfortunately there are some complications, the main one is that Harry is suddenly a young child again and is stranded on a desert island. 2 years later a Gundam crashes down and the Perfect Soldier meets the Boy-Who-Lived and the war will never be the same. This is not a light-hearted fic, the characters are darker, Dumbledore and Snape were evil and Harry has recovered all his memories good and bad and is now cynical and full of anger and hate. The first meeting between Heero and Harry does not go well and ends up with Harry swearing a wizarding oath to follow all reasonable orders in order to stop Heero from hurting him. I do like her characterizations and the reactions of the other pilots. If you are looking for light and happy this is not the story for you but for a great read that brings the darker emotions to light this is it.

Additional Note
I had found this story after almost a year so I only did a quick reread of the chapters to find where I last remembered (approximately 1/2 way) in order to post it. I have since completed the story and I have to upgrade to AWESOME. The twists and turns the author has made keeps the story riveting and I love how the author shows that power comes with a price and that magic is not a cure all. Harry is not super powered he makes mistakes and thanks to his new family he can endure and rise above the past. It will make you cry when you read some of the twists and I cannot wait until the next chapter. I think I will see what else this author has written because damn, they are that good

Friday, April 11, 2014

Kishijoten (Xander/Dawn, Harry/Ginny)

Kishijoten by JCHatten

Only Xander would be selected as an Avatar of Luck by Kishijoten who accidentally forgets to tell him he is her Avatar. Instead of being possessed by a Hyena he is possessed by a leopard spirit. That was the bad luck the good luck was that there was a shaman visiting that was able to incorporate the being in to Xander and made him stronger, faster and able to fight of possession. In trying to escape a car crash Dawn teleports them to another dimension, the Harry Potter dimension. Suddenly Harry as a were-cat (Dawn) and a budding Shaman/Witch doctor/Ninja Cat (Xander) on his side Voldie and the Deatheators won't know what hit them. Great story nothing is easy and no one is super powerful just different powers. Using the dream plane Xander is able to contact home and finds out that they can never go back. They show up after the ministry trip and agree to help train and protect Harry. There is now a third side to the war with Harry developing his own order one willing to attack to protect the innocent.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Back Again? Siriusly? (Gen)

Back Again? Siriusly? by Manchester

Great story with a different perspective in the going back in time. This is one of the more unusual people going back, Sirius Black. When he falls through the veil he wakes up on the boat to Azkaban, escaping he is surprised to find he is back in time. This time will be different, the world believes he is dead he has the time to plan and his first step is to unite the House of Black. He will show Magical Britain exactly why the name of Black is something to be feared. While the story is slow to update it is a fascinating look at what could of happened if Sirius had decided to use status as Lord Black. One thing that I loved was the Chair. An item that belongs to the Black family the chair is made of thorns and once a person sits in it they are bound and if they lie the thorns will grow and kill the individual. Sirius knows he will need something to make his family believe him and decides the rewards are worth the risk.

Monday, March 31, 2014

It's For A Good Cause, I Swear (Gen)

It's For A Good Cause, I Swear by Sarah1281

Great story that is different from most time travel is that it is more tongue-in-cheek rather then too serious. They are not coming from a destroyed future in fact all things considered the future is okay, with Sasuke back and Madara and Orochimaru defeated. However Kakashi is gifted with a time scroll and with the help of Kyuubi chakra decides he wants to go back and save Obito and Rin. Naruto decides to save Haku and Jiraiya as well as others and Sasuke decides he wants to get his revenge on a few people and maybe save his brother. Sakura decides she might as well go along since she will not be left behind again. They assumed that they would be going to different timelines since they were going back to different points on the time lines, wrong. By the time Sakura arrives things are so different she does not know whether she is coming or going. Very funny, very different a great light-hearted romp through the Naruto universe.

The center picture I found as a wallpaper and it just screams time-travel to me.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

With Friends Like These (Gen)

With Friends Like These by Padaloki

Awesome story I love the Avengers but I have to admit Loki is my favorite and this story revolves around him. The story opens with Tony and Steve hearing a noise on the roof and finding a tortured Loki still with the gag on bleeding to death. There is something about a helpless Loki that tugs at your heartstrings. This story has it all, torture, violence, redemption, betrayal, strange allies, death, kids, helpless kittens and so much more. The meeting with Thantos made me cry, the meeting with Hela made me giggle and Loki in battle is magnificent. This is a Loki that has gone through the fire and comes out stronger then before with friends willing to stand beside him no matter the cost. Awesome, awesome story.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Yet Again With A Little Extra Help (Naruto/Hinata)

Yet Again With A Little Extra Help by Third Fang

I love this story, love it, love it. Okay now that is out of my system this is an Awesome story. I thought I had already posted this one. I love the 5 OCs and wish they were mine. {The people in the banner are who I think would be perfect for that character.} The author gives a character sheet for each in his profile and wouldn't it be nice if others did the same. I think of all of them Ghost is my favorite, he is the tortured hero, kick-ass fighter, fundamentally insane, sarcastic, funny, loving, psychotically obsessed with exploding cows and I love him. This is a time travel story with a difference. The Naruto world is losing the fight and in the opening chapter Naruto is trapped as the fox is being extracted. Suddenly in the mind-space there is a tear and a drunk off his rocker Ghost shows up. Naruto is unsure what to do with this crazy character but when offered the chance to redo the past and save the ones he loves he agrees to Ghost's terms. His friends may never forgive him for what he unleashed and they will have trauma about exploding cows for the rest of their lives but they will become stronger and in the process become the best of the best for their village and the ninja world. Also do not read this at work for fear of cackling madly at the stunts pulled, your coworkers will not understand.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

New Chance (Naruto/Hinata)

New Chance by Hektols

I am glad I found this story again. It is a time travel with a difference. In the future Madara brings Minato back with the Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei to use against an adult Naruto. What Madara was not aware of that after his bringing back of the prior Hokages, Minato had developed an untested seal to prevent any of the others coming back and being put under control. While it did not stop them being brought back it did prevent mind control and Minato immediately joined his son. Later in a fight with Madara a jujitsu goes wrong and Minato finds himself in the past with a chance to meet his 10 year old son, later in the story you find out he was not the only one that was caught in the timeslip. The story is funny, serious, funny, poignant and did I mention funny. And if the story was not enough the omakes are guaranteed to make you cackle madly. Minato decides to train Nauto as well as friends and punish the villagers. It does not take long for the villagers to realize that Naruto's father is back and boy is he pissed.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Different Scroll (Naruto/Hinata)

A Different Scroll by BlueWolf1923

A great story with awesome, awesome fight scenes. The first chapter was okay but was not something that caught my imagination except for Hinatas' "Forbidden Taijutsu; Single Strike of Eternal Pain" which cracked me up; however, I always try at least 5 chapters before I dismiss a story and I am glad that I did because it picked up fast. The writing stabilized and the characters became more 3 dimensional. I love the development of Hinata and Naruto. He gives her the confidence to believe in herself and she becomes a steady influence on him but they retain their core characters. The changes that can happen from one event is the basis of must stories and the author uses the fact that Hinata decides to help Naruto with a scroll on the Clone Technique and the friendship blossoms. They continue to train together and with Hinata's help they begin to develop their own techniques.The fight scenes are amazing, the author manages to make every fight different but still believable and no one is super powered and an expert on everything. As the story progresses their fights become more complicated and more destructive. I like the fact that they lose as often as they win in the beginning but they never stop and begin to bring in other people. Gaara and his relationship with Tenten is funny as well as poignant since he has no idea what is happening since no one has ever wanted to be with him. The conversations with Kurama are some of the best characterization of the fox that I have read. The author does not turn the fox into a wimp, a mother, a seductress, or pet. Instead, he is angry with solid reasons for his anger, he is not mindless destruction, he is cunning but he is not evil, when Naruto unlocks the Rinnegan Kurama believes that he might be the one to help the Tailed Demons. The story is long at over 300,000 and is just beginning the arc after the timeskip. I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Waifs and Strays Series

Waifs and Strays Series by Vidicon

Awesome series with 24 stories and counting and while I know there is no actual picture of Simon I kind of like Gary Oldman since he mostly meets the description and is one of those men that is always hot no matter the age. Anyway the series revolves around Joyce a very underused character and what would happen if she met someone on the first day in Sunnydale. Someone who turns out to know all about Magic as the former Magistrar of New York. He is also extremely wealthy and has connections in all circles, wand withes, covens, demon hunters, pillars of society as well as the dregs of society. There is a list of the order the stories go in as the 2nd story is the main one with the others taking place between certain chapters. The character of Simon Mayer is well thought out and is not all knowing or all powerful just a good man who is willing to stand up for what is right and for the protection of his family.

Child of the Storm (Gen)

Child of the Storm by Nimbus Llewelyn

Great story and one idea that I have not seen before. When attacked by the Dementors Harry lets loose a magical cry for help. One that reaches the ear of an uncle he knows nothing about. Loki realizes that the time for secrets is at end and awakens Thor's memory of his FIRST banishment. When he was born into a mortal body by the name of James Potter. Thor rushes to save his son and the world takes a sharp turn to the left. With ancient enemies on one side and a horde of super allies on the other there is a major storm brewing for Midgard and its allies. The author pulls in characters from all over and ties them neatly to the main characters. Harry has to deal not only with suddenly having his father back but the fact that he is now Asgard royalty, a friend to the Avengers and related by family friendship and blood to other major characters. I love the way Loki is portrayed in this story showing his attempt at redemption, feelings for Sif, and his family. The scene showing just how much he is affected by dark magic is absolutely brilliant.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Secret Return of Alex Mack (Alex/Ray, Willow/Jack)

The Secret Return of Alex Mack by DianeCastle

Awesome story third in the Brane of Extraordinary Women, you really need to read the first story League of Extraordinary women for some of this to make sense. When Alex returns to her dimension she takes the advice of the other heroes to heart and decides that she is ready to take that final step. To do this she searches for the counterparts of the people she met and once she drags the shy but highly intelligent computer genius into her secret world the rest starts to fall into place. Meeting Colonel Jack O'Neill with the Superpower Research Institute along with Finn and Graham she has the beginning of a fixed team to take on the world. Then she meets Hermione, Ron, and Harry and suddenly she is international and now there are characters from all over the place making an appearance, Batman, Firestarter, Hanna to name only a few. The characterization is believable and people being brought into this world are done in such a way that you feel like they were always there.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The League of Extraordinary Women (Gen)

The League of Extraordinary Women by Diane Castle

Great story in which this time Hermione is the focus of a prophecy. She needs to go to different realities to fetch the women that she will need to defeat a god that is threatening all realities. Of course it is our favorite divination professor who gives the following:


So Hermione buckles down and finds a way to get her teammates, for me only 3 were obvious but once she got them I was oh that was obvious. The story has great characterization, snarky quips, character growth, weaknesses, and the triumph balanced by loss.