Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Master of Genjutsu (Naruto/Kurenai)

Masters of Genjutsu by Tsukune08

A very good story even though there were parts that I was not happy with but that is personal preference and not related to the story itself. In this one Naruto happens upon Kurenai bathing and after surviving becomes attached to her. In return she begins to tutor him in the basics of Genjutsu and finds an eager and surprisingly talented student. Naruto soon earns a name for himself in the Bingo Book as Naruto Uzumaki Konoha's Blade of Illusion. I like the fact the author brings up that Kitsune are known for their illusions and Naruto brings in his own brand of insanity and makes some of the illusions real. The story line is good, the action is great, and while parts move too fast I love the way Naruto interacts with others. I am not enthusiastic with the Kurenai arc, I understand it but I am not thrilled with it. The interactions with Kakashi and Sasuke are well done. Naruto manages to grow in more then one way and I do like the arc with Samui. Naruto is a BAMF and as expected takes great pride in following his own nindo. Unfortunately the author ends the story with an ambiguous ending. Does he move past his relationship with Kurenai, continue on his terms, turns on her in revenge or forgive and forget? There are no answers and that may annoy some people. Like I said some parts are definitely worth the reading and others including the ending make you go WTF but overall a good story that was recommended to me.

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