Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Orestes (Tony & Loki)

Orestes by Aublanc
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1161163/chapters/2359327 or at
(The middle picture of Loki as a dragon on the Washington monument is done by the author)

Awesome story, epic length, great characterization and one of the best descriptions of a war's effect on people that I have ever read. In this story Loki is not pulled from the Void by Thanos and instead spends seven years existing in hell before literally falling at the feet of Tony Stark. Tony watches unable to save the figure falling through the sky through the roof of his house and expects to find a dead body. Instead he sees a skin covered skeleton clothed in rags impaled with glass covered in blood but still alive. He realizes looking into blank eyes that the person has withdrawn mentally. He decides to honor what Yinsen did for him. The author takes the events in the Marvel movies and changes them in a way to be believable. Some events still happen just to different people and for different reasons. Without the invasion of New York Thor never comes back and it is Loki that in the end joins the Avengers.
Loki has becomes so dependent on the one man that he feels that he can trust that when he almost loses him decides to make sure that never happens. The consequences of those actions are far reaching. Events build up to the invasion by Thanos and the author concentrates more on the people and their reaction to impending war then on the action itself. However don't worry there is much action, angst, drama, misunderstandings, stupidity, pride and a bond of friendship that will survive anything even immortality. A warning there are major character deaths that had me crying but in the real world you lose people in a war. I cannot recommend this story enough. I started it and could not stop finishing it in 2 1/2 days mainly because I did nothing else

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