Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lily fixes a mistake (Severus/Lilly)

Lily Fixes A Mistake by severusphoenix

Great story I did the banner last year and thought I had posted it evidently not. The story is about what would happen if Lily gave Severus another chance. After Harry is born James makes a big mistake. He cheats on Lily then has the balls to slap her for being angry, she leaves and ends up going with Severus, Lucius, Narcissa and baby Draco. This changes the story completely, Narcissa and Lily bond over the babies and Lily and Severus get together. The story has great character build up with Severus coming into his own. He is portrayed as a man so deeply in love he is able to accept another man's child in his heart and magic. A potions master, spell crafter, dangerous fighter Severus shows what he could be with the right partner. James shows the results of getting away with everything with an "I am sorry". Dumbledore realizes just how badly he has let down Severus and all the Slytherins. Great action scenes and the ones of Lucius and Severus as fathers are wonderful.


  1. I read like two sentences and was immediately like, "I'm reading it!" time to add it to my library.

  2. I am glad that is one of the best Lily Severus second chance stories I have ever read.
