Thursday, February 26, 2015

All The Leaves Are Brown (Gen)

All The Leaves Are Brown by AvocadoLove

Great story with an interesting premise, Tony raised by the Winter Soldier. I have not seen this before and the writer does an excellent job portraying Bucky as he slowly breaks his programing.  In this case the change is that the "accident" happens when Tony is four and he is actually in the car. When the Winter Soldier approaches the car to make sure the occupants are dead he realizes that Howard Stark is barely alive and in the backseat is a small boy screaming. Howard does not see his murderer through dying eyes he only sees an old ally and manages to say his last words. "Bucky, Get Tony....take care of my son."
For some reason the Winter Soldier hesitates then takes the boy with him reasoning that he could always kill him later. He takes Tony on a tour of the world as he avoids the press, police, his watchers and when Tony is six he finally manages to break his programming completely. He raises Tony as his son teaching he everything he needs to survive but he knows eventually he will have to tell him the truth. The time comes when Tony graduates college, after giving him an envelope with the truth he disappears years later something happens. Tony is kidnapped in Afghanistan and the Winter Soldier heads back. No one hurts his son and gets away with it. He will find him, he will find who did this and they will pay. He may be retired but he is still the most feared assassin in the world they have no idea who they have angered.

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