Sunday, May 11, 2014

Harry Potter and the Escape to New York (Harry/Hermione/Fleur)

Harry Potter and The Escape To New York by Writing Warriors

I used to love the show Beauty and the Beast and thought Vincent was the perfect hero. He is also the perfect person to be raising Harry. The story is excellent, the characters are believable and the reactions of Dumbledore fit him perfectly. This is a man so obsessed with his own omnipotence that he disregards the efforts of those around him to stop his mad decline. This is not so much about Harry and Voldemort as it is about Dumbledore's obsession with the prophecy and the belief that he is always right. The scene where Harry dreams about what could happen was chilling because it was so believable when you figure out just how far the man would go for the "Greater Good". The relationship between Hermione, Harry and Fleur does not feel forced there is a natural progression to the Triad. I cannot recommend this story enough. When Hermione found out about what really happened in first year all I could think of was man I hope she sends him a howler because we all know Hermione could really rip someone apart when she gets started. Then the American Ministry of Magic gets involved and everything just escalates. Harry shows what is possible with love and support and I would love if there is a followup.

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