Thursday, February 27, 2020

Fundamental Force Carriers by tanarill

Fundamental Force Carriers by tanarill

Wow just wow. Awesome story something happened and as he was dying he replaced his younger self at a critical point in time. Here is where most people go for little changes then make a bigger one down the road. Not Anakin, he makes major changes right at the beginning. He blows the order out of the water when he proves he is dark but that dark does not equal evil. He begins his change to make the world a better place and to save his loved ones. One insane moment at a time. Funny , sad introspective, with a 3 dimensional character that just pulls you in. A fascinating look inside the head of Darth Vader. there are several other stories in this series.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Harry Potter : Geth by mjimeyg

Harry Potter: Geth by Mjimeyg
Het Harry/Tali, Shepard/Ashley
Harry Potter Mass Effect Crossover

Awesome story that is full of action, drama, human stupidity, alien arrogance, and scenes that will make soda shoot out your nose because you are laughing that hard. This is a crossover between Harry Potter and Mass Effect that is exceedingly well done and while it is nice if you have the background in those fandoms it is not necessary. Thanks to Hermione trying to be helpful at the final battle Harry is thrown far into the future into Mass Effect and lands on the world of the Geth where he goes splat. The Geth rebuild him and ask him to become their ambassador and it all goes downhill from there. Along the way he meets Sheppard, Talia (who shoots him then later becomes his fiancee) Wrox along with the rest of the characters. He turns the world upside down and inside out. I love that while he is powerful he is not over the top he just knows how to use his resources wisely, he also has no problem with his friends calling him on his bullshit when he charges in like a Gryffindor. There is something for everyone including heroes that are not perfect. I first read it a while ago and just found it again. I am so glad I did