I am an avid reader; to me a good story is one that you can enjoy re-reading. I love fan fiction but tend to mislay stories. Here I am posting links to stories that are Gen or Het pairings. I have designed banners for my favorites to put on Pinterest. If the author objects to the picture please let me know and I will remove it. Let me know what you think or if you think of other stories that should be here. If you are looking for the slash site it is at http://fanfictionslashrec.blogspot.com/
Friday, March 14, 2014
Waifs and Strays Series
Waifs and Strays Series by Vidicon
Awesome series with 24 stories and counting and while I know there is no actual picture of Simon I kind of like Gary Oldman since he mostly meets the description and is one of those men that is always hot no matter the age. Anyway the series revolves around Joyce a very underused character and what would happen if she met someone on the first day in Sunnydale. Someone who turns out to know all about Magic as the former Magistrar of New York. He is also extremely wealthy and has connections in all circles, wand withes, covens, demon hunters, pillars of society as well as the dregs of society. There is a list of the order the stories go in as the 2nd story is the main one with the others taking place between certain chapters. The character of Simon Mayer is well thought out and is not all knowing or all powerful just a good man who is willing to stand up for what is right and for the protection of his family.
There was a complete episode listing for the Simon Mayer show and the actual complete episodes but I can't remember the name nor have I been able to find them again. Drat.